Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Have you ever been the target of a phishing scam? Did you recognize it as a scam right away? What tipped you off? Blog about your experiences with malware or phishing attempts.

Yes, I once received an email from my mortgage company requesting some additional information regarding my online banking account for a loan.

As I did not have an online banking account nor did I apply for a loan, I immediately called my mortgage company to check on the email they sent.

They informed me clearly, "Do not reply or provide any information."

The company had not sent the email even though the logo and letterhead information was exactly as it usually appeared on written correspondence.

I confirmed with the company that no accounts (lines of credit) were open in my name.

As this lesson instructed, I now know this was an exxample of "phishing" and the tips outlined in this lesson are helpful to alert Internet users to scams.


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