Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Mission

The Orange County Library System, a public enterprise, brings value to the residents of the district through collections, staff, services and facilities. The Library connects our changing community to the evolving world of ideas, information and technology. Through continuous innovation, the Orange County Library System will create a well-informed, well-connected community, making Orange County a great place to live, learn, work, and play.

What part of the mission statement do I connect with? The second sentence for me expresses what I do everyday - connect people to ideas, information and technology.

How do I see us creating a well-informed, well-connected community? By continuing to offer virtual resources which go beyond the public library such as Expanded Academic and eBooks. The interest level of our users today is often highly specialized whether it is the elementary school project or the home hobbyist. As many people will tell - anyone can go on the Internet. When they contact the library they've already done that and are seeking more information. Introducing the customer to sources which can be used for detailed research and cited as a book or scholarly publication is a critical part of creating a well-informed community.

Offering language learning resources and events of interest to everyone fosters a well connected community.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hey Boeing,

I have read this post before but your comment about when people come to the library, they have already been on the internet, really stuck out to me this time. Great point! If the interent "worked" (whatever that is) people wouldn't show up at any lib~ that creates opportunity for us.
